Sarah Kate WilsonProfile page
Senior Lecturer BA Painting
Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts
Orcid identifier0000-0003-1338-0455
- Senior Lecturer BA PaintingCamberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts
I am a Senior Lecturer teaching within BA Painting at Camberwell College of Art, I am the Year 3 cohort leader.
I received my MFA Painting at the Slade School of Fine Art in 2010 and my PhD from the University of Leeds in 2017. My PhD thesis is titled Durational Painting; Gifting, Grafting, Hosting, Collaborating. As an early careers researcher and practitioner my work crystallises around the performative and LIVE possibilities of Painting.
I have staged large painting performances at Royal Academy of Arts, (London), 2018, Palais de Tokyo, (Paris), 2017 and the Museum of London, 2017 and have even aired paintings over the radio! I have had solo exhibitions at Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, California (2015) the University of Leeds (2017) and Baltic 39, Newcastle (2016).
Running alongside my studio practice and research is a curatorial practice. I curated 'Painting in Time' which toured from The Tetley, Leeds to the School of the Arts Institute Chicago and received over 20,000 visitors and was featured by the BBC, Look North. This large scale international exhibition included artists Yoko Ono, Polly Apfelbaum, Lisa Milroy and Natasha Kidd. In relation to the exhibition I held a symposium, as well as in-conversation events on the notion of painting and time, with artists included in the exhibition alongside invited guests, Lubaina Himid and Jeff Dennis.
I co-direct a curatorial collective called ‘Show-Off’ over the past decade we have worked with Rose Wylie, Martin Creed, Tess Jaray, Phoebe Unwin. Issue 241 of Ambit, the literary and art magazine has been guest edited by Show-Off.
UAL public-facing events:
‘OurHaus, 100 Years of Bauhaus: A week-long festival', Camberwell and CSM.
'Festival Stage TOTAL', Bauhaus Museum, Dessau - In collaboration with the Bauhaus Foundation, and colleagues and Students from Camberwell, in Germany we presented performances that reimagined a seminal performance-installation work by Bauhausler Xanti Schawinsky’s 'Play, Life, Illusion (1936)'. Our performances were staged during the opening week of the new Bauhaus Museum to celebrate Bauhaus' Centenary year.
I peer review for the Journal of Contemporary Painting.
I have presented papers at the: College Art Association Annual Conference, Chicago (2020), Teaching Painting Conference, London (2018). I co-convened a panel at the 2019 Associate for Art History Conference, Brighton on the expanded field of Painting. Each of these papers promoted painting as a LIVE time-based medium.
I am the author of the catalogue text for Fully Awake 5.6 (Teaching Painting) hosted by the Freelands Foundation, and 'Painting a collaborative medium, which will be published in 2021 by Chicago Press.
I received my MFA Painting at the Slade School of Fine Art in 2010 and my PhD from the University of Leeds in 2017. My PhD thesis is titled Durational Painting; Gifting, Grafting, Hosting, Collaborating. As an early careers researcher and practitioner my work crystallises around the performative and LIVE possibilities of Painting.
I have staged large painting performances at Royal Academy of Arts, (London), 2018, Palais de Tokyo, (Paris), 2017 and the Museum of London, 2017 and have even aired paintings over the radio! I have had solo exhibitions at Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, California (2015) the University of Leeds (2017) and Baltic 39, Newcastle (2016).
Running alongside my studio practice and research is a curatorial practice. I curated 'Painting in Time' which toured from The Tetley, Leeds to the School of the Arts Institute Chicago and received over 20,000 visitors and was featured by the BBC, Look North. This large scale international exhibition included artists Yoko Ono, Polly Apfelbaum, Lisa Milroy and Natasha Kidd. In relation to the exhibition I held a symposium, as well as in-conversation events on the notion of painting and time, with artists included in the exhibition alongside invited guests, Lubaina Himid and Jeff Dennis.
I co-direct a curatorial collective called ‘Show-Off’ over the past decade we have worked with Rose Wylie, Martin Creed, Tess Jaray, Phoebe Unwin. Issue 241 of Ambit, the literary and art magazine has been guest edited by Show-Off.
UAL public-facing events:
‘OurHaus, 100 Years of Bauhaus: A week-long festival', Camberwell and CSM.
'Festival Stage TOTAL', Bauhaus Museum, Dessau - In collaboration with the Bauhaus Foundation, and colleagues and Students from Camberwell, in Germany we presented performances that reimagined a seminal performance-installation work by Bauhausler Xanti Schawinsky’s 'Play, Life, Illusion (1936)'. Our performances were staged during the opening week of the new Bauhaus Museum to celebrate Bauhaus' Centenary year.
I peer review for the Journal of Contemporary Painting.
I have presented papers at the: College Art Association Annual Conference, Chicago (2020), Teaching Painting Conference, London (2018). I co-convened a panel at the 2019 Associate for Art History Conference, Brighton on the expanded field of Painting. Each of these papers promoted painting as a LIVE time-based medium.
I am the author of the catalogue text for Fully Awake 5.6 (Teaching Painting) hosted by the Freelands Foundation, and 'Painting a collaborative medium, which will be published in 2021 by Chicago Press.
- Senior Lecturer and Year 3 Leader of BA PaintingCamberwell College of Arts, London, CCW, UAL, BA Fine Art: Painting, London, UK17 Sep 2019 - present
- PhDUniversity of Leeds, Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, Leeds, United Kingdom22 Sep 2013 - 21 May 2017
- Staff